Unédic is now rated by S&P Global, Moody's and Scope Ratings

Since March 5, 2025, Unédic, as a debt issuer on the financial markets, has been rated by three rating agencies: S&P Global, Moody's and Scope Ratings.

March 7, 2025 - Unédic

The ratings assigned by these agencies assess Unédic's ability to honour its debts, i.e., the repayment of the capital of the loans made and the payment of the interest attached to them. They also reflect the key role of the institution in the management of the French unemployment insurance system.

Thanks to the knowledge of the social partners who manage the scheme and the multidisciplinary expertise of its services, Unédic is an essential cog in the wheel for the proper functioning of the labour market, both for jobseekers, employees and the self-employed – in other words the working population – and for companies.

Unédic ratings

The S&P agency assigns a rating of AA- (negative outlook), in line with that of France.

Moody's retains the 'Aa3' rating (stable outlook) assigned to Unédic in December 2024 following the downgrading of France's rating.

Scope Ratings assigns a rating of AA- (stable outlook), also aligned with that of France.

These ratings reaffirm the sustainability of the unemployment insurance system's debt, allowing it to play its role as an economic and social shock absorber in France.